Installing Perl Net::SFTP on Ubuntu

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Installing Perl Net::SFTP on Ubuntu

This perl module is not a package in Ubuntu nor does cpan make it pleasant to install. I've spent some time with virtual machines testing out the dependencies for Net::SFTP. Follow these steps (and package lists) in order! There are many places where things can go wrong and several places where the only way to recover is to start from scratch. If cpan asks any questions during the install I went with the default choice.

1.Install the following with synaptic/apt-get: libyaml-dev libgmp3-dev libpari-dev libmath-gmp-perl libmath-bigint-gmp-perl

2.Manually install pari from I'm using pari-2.3.4.tar.gz

3.Install using cpan: YAML

4.Update cpan by typing: install CPAN 5. Re-Initialize cpan by typing: reload CPAN 6. Exit cpan because I don't trust it.

5.Grab Math::Pari from and manually install

6.Install using cpan: Math::GMP Math::BigInt Math::BigInt::FastCalc Math::BigRat Net::SSH::Perl Net::SFTP

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